Principal's Desk

Faith in God, together with hard work and zeal to spread God’s Kingdom gave rise to Carmel School, Digwadih. An area rich in coal held a promise of a bright future. True ! education, specially that of girls has brought about a transformation. The rural outlook, is being slowly but surely changing into a developing town.
Our aim is that all those who pass through the portals of Carmel may realize, that through the steel of discipline, they will forge a character rich with peace and courage. By cultivating a strong will one is destined to rise to high ideals and be filled with all that is good and joyful. Without these one is lost like a mariner without a compass, who eventually meets his death in a sinking ship.
The school is a beacon light and will continue to be so not only in this present era but also for aeons to come.
Best Wishes,